Our Vision…Faith, Fitness & Freedom for your Spirit, Soul and Body!
Welcome ladies! Your Journey begins here and that brings to mind…what exactly does Exodus mean and who are we?
The Exodus was a journey of enormous proportion! God’s “marching orders” if you will, encouraging thousands to leave their comfortable, secure surroundings for an unknown, uncertain future…to journey to a place of God’s calling. What if God gives the order to move… will you follow His lead? This was the Exodus!
Do you sometimes crave an adventure… a vacation from the routine of everyday life, the busy days and the responsibility of keeping it all together?
Take a trip, to discover yourself, but you know there is something bigger than yourself out there?
God wants you to take that JOURNEY… He longs for you to hear Him in the wilderness of your soul – out of your thoughts, attitudes, habits, circumstances or relationships that have been keeping you from living your best life, the LIFE that GOD intended for YOU!
God wants to lead you into the Promised Land – the rich, abundant life that you are called to! Do you hear the calling? The Promise of a life rich with more depth, more love, more joy than just your day planner with the crossed off “to do” list and an occasional glimpse of Heaven on earth.
Do you feel overwhelmed with all the things that fill your calendar?
Maybe you don’t need manna “bread from Heaven” like the Israelites, but you need motivation!
Maybe you don’t need an escape, but you need a renewal!
Thankfully, God is ready to meet you wherever you are on that Journey… Rest in place of rescue, Purpose, instead of a pillar of fire. God is ready and willing to hold your hand and lead you out of whatever holds you captive – emotions, fears, unforgiveness, anger, mixed-up priorities or the simple busyness of everyday life that keeps you from experiencing God’s best for you and a life-giving relationship with Him!
Out of your comfort zone? Challenged? Afraid ? PERFECT! AWESOME!!!
God will prepare you for this Journey… He will un-harden your heart, dec-lutter your mind and show you the perfect path that leads you to faith and trust. God just wants YOU to take the first step. Are you ready to start your Journey, YOUR EXODUS?
At Exodus Women’s Retreat, our vision is for every woman to experience the transformational gift of God’s grace in the quiet of the wilderness leaving you refreshed…spirit, soul and body.
We offer transformational journeys, connecting women with God through nature while experiencing adventures that strengthen the body, deepen your faith and renew your spirit.
Break Away
Break Through
Break Free!

Do you crave an adventure with the living God? Are you tired? Worn out, broken and running on empty – searching for hope, truth and community? Do you feel overwhelmed with all the things that fill your calendar and praying for a little ‘white space?’
Jesus wants you to take that JOURNEY. He longs for you to hear Him in the wilderness of your soul so you can enter into the valley of vision and stop the wandering. He longs to set you free from negative thoughts, attitudes, habits, circumstances and unhealthy relationships that keep you from living your best life, the life that GOD intended for YOU.
God wants to lead you into the Promised Land – the rich, abundant life that you’re called to! Do you hear the calling? It’s the promise of a life rich with more depth, more love, more joy, more purpose than you ever thought possible!
Awaken, sweet one! His outstretched hand is offering you the overflow.
Rest in place of rescue.
Purpose, instead of relentless pressure.
God is ready and willing to hold your hand and lead you out of whatever holds you captive – emotions, fears, unforgiveness, anger, mixed-up priorities or the simple busyness of everyday life that keeps you from experiencing God’s best. Allow the living water to wash over you with a life-giving relationship with the author of life… Jesus!
Break Away * Break Through * Break Free
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” – Mathew 11:28-30
Journey to your own Personal Exodus as you open your heart and mind to living a life interrupted by God. Discover the adventure of what it means to be in the presence of the One who speaks through us and to us in our spirit, soul and body.
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